Saturday, July 12, 2008

Extra Hot Sauce

Mr. Morton sent Pepper over to help Mustard with her yard yesterday. My ex-sister-in-law lives down the street from us. At the play the other day, she mentioned that she needed to mow the yard but never seemed to have enough time in her day. One of the things I love most about Mr. Morton is that he is always willing to help others.

I was making dinner when Mr. Morton came in yesterday after sending Pepper down the street and picked up the phone. I heard him tell my brother that he'd sent the kids down to help with Mustard's yard. I heard him say that it wasn't sides we were picking. He explained that we love Brother and we love Mustard and that while they are divorced we have feelings for both. He then asked if Brother and Sauce would like to come to dinner this week-end. AND HE SAID YES!

So here I am having to pretend that I'm not royally pissed off at Sauce. I have made a lovely dinner plan and Paprika made a great salad. Despite what The First and Sauce think... I am not a horrible person. I think it sucks that I have to prove this over and over again.

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