Sunday, June 29, 2008

Paprika Gets Spicy

Paprika and Pepper are leaving on July first to spend the rest of the summer with The First and Boo. Mr. Morton and I will met them half way between our homes. Most summers, The First has the children through the entire summer break except for two weeks. This summer, she was too busy with her clients and asked to wait until July.

Mr. Morton would tell you that any time that Paprika and Pepper don't have to be with The First is a good time. I, however, really needed a break. I love them to death but I want some us time. We get very little time to be a couple and I've been craving it. So, when she decided to back out of the first month of summer, I was crushed.

Now, Paprika wants to not go at all. She is actually begging us to let her stay here. We've done everything to get her to understand that she has already escaped four weeks and that there is nothing more we can do. However, she will not listen to us. In fact, she told her therapist today that if she goes she will just run away.

It seems when Paprika turned ten, she started to really hate going to The First's house. We immediately started taking her to therapy. Unfortunately, the only reason we get is that her friends aren't there. I, being a pretty social person, understand this reasoning. Everyone else seems to think she is hiding something.

So, we've started the count down and she is freaking out. I finally had to grab my purse and leave the house for awhile. Mr. Morton assured me that things were better but I'm not new to this rodeo. I know it is temporary situation until she actually leaves.

The thing is, it is hard to feel sorry for her because I so need the break. It makes me feel horribly guilty and then I get upset that I feel guilty. I wonder if anyone else ever feels this way.

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