Friday, June 27, 2008

Holy Smokes!

My sister-in-law just scared me to death. I was so excited about having this blog and having a secret place to write about The First and Liar. I started writing my little heart out. Then, she screamed and then I screamed.

Apparently this computer keeps secret information in forms and she left a comment on a blog and it had my information. The biggest problem... her blog is not a secret to anyone in the family. They all read it, google it, search around for her comments, they do whatever they can to find her words.... so if they found her there, I'd be next.

So what did I do... I deleted all my posts quickly. I didn't even think, just DELETE. CRAP.... I don't need my mother calling me telling me about "dirty laundry in public" or "why do you want the whole world to know what an ass you married the first time?" or any of the other totally unhelpful things she'd utter out of her mouth.

But, the nice lady at the other blog deleted the comment and I feel safe in coming back to the big picture. A place of my own... a tiny piece of cyberspace where I can be the second Mrs. Morton with pride.

1 comment:

Ann Harrison said...

I found you through Mom Bloggers Club.
I am so happy for you that you have your 'space'.